HLR Download full documentation
This allows you to fetch detailed information on mobile numbers worldwide. It will return the actual MCC and MNC of a subscriber. This will also work with subscribers who are ported to another operator.
HLR API endpoint
HLR call parameters
Variable | Description | Format | Required | Example |
username | BudgetSMS username | Alphanumeric | Yes | user1 |
userid | BudgetSMS userid | Numeric | Yes | 21547 |
handle | BudgetSMS handle | Alphanumeric | Yes | 1e753da74 |
to | Subscriber msisdn to check | Numeric | Yes | 31612345678 |
More information on HLR parameter "to"
This parameter will hold the subscriber number that needs to be checked. It should be in the correct format, otherwise it will not work.
The parameter should only contain numbers, no spaces or other characters (like '+', '-', '(' or ')').
The country prefix should be included and the trailing local 0 should be omitted.
So mobile number 06-12345678 from The Netherlands (country prefix +31) will become: 31612345678